How to Attract What You Want with Your Home Decor

I just couldn’t take it any more!  My feng shui journey with with elements started at my South Loop apartment in Chicago. It all began with the bland, white wall in which my husband and I stared at as we watched TV.  The wall was over 20 feet high, and I just could not seem to get the “right” pictures or wall decor to fit the space.  It felt very cold and plain.

I had heard of feng shui before, so I decided to look into it before I selected a paint color for the walls.  As I conducted some “Google research”, I learned that our living room was in the wealth area of our apartment and it would be activated by the wood elements.  In addition, water represents money and nourishes the wood element.


This was my first experience with applying feng shui to a room, and I have not looked back since!  After applying the elements, the room simply came together!  I felt like I became the star of my very own home makeover show, and all I wanted to do was continue to apply feng shui to other areas of our apartment so that it felt more welcoming.  Each time I applied the appropriate elements to the specific gua, or area, of the home, I felt more and more at peace in my space.  Life at home was much more tranquil, and I even started to feel more energy at work.

So, did the elemental application to the wealth area work?  You bet it did!  My husband got a new job offer less than a year later. It was a significant raise and it gave us the opportunity to expand into the next chapter of our lives which included starting a family and moving into our first house!

I have since become a certified feng shui consultant, and now I am here to share how you too can transform your life with the decor you choose. You can remove the stumbling blocks of your life by consciously decorating your home, office, or classroom. There are three steps you can try today to apply elemental cures to your space and get the results you desire right now!

Three Steps to Improving Your Home with the Elements

You’ve cleared out your space and made room for the new.  Now, it is time to really activate the energy of the space.  Remember, there are nine areas of your life in which you can focus on.  For the next exercise, I would highly recommend starting with one gua, or area, to get you started.  Of course we all would like to focus on all nine areas, and ultimately that is the goal of feng shui, for all nine spaces to work in harmony. However, it is best to focus on on one room at a time.  

Step One:  Lay the bagua map (See image below) on the floor plan of your home.  The bottom of the map should be in line with the front door, so you would be entering into Knowledge, Career, or Helpful people sections.


Step Two: Identify the area you want to work on (one space at a time is recommended).  De-clutter and spend time in that space. After that, you can get started making adjustments and decorating according to the elements!  Use the shape, color, or actual element associated with that gua in order to activate the space and improve that area of your home and life!

Decor Suggestions to Represent Each Element:

  1. Earth:  Square or rectangular (horizontal) picture frames, yellow throw blanket or accent pillows, sand colored towels, sand or rocks in a square dish, a salt lamp, fresh flowers or fake flowers that look real
  2. Water: picture of the ocean, fish tank, water fountain, thunderstorm or ocean sounds, mirrors, purple drapes
  3. Fire: candles, fireplace, picture with reds or bright orange, Christmas Tree, triangular patterns, knives, weapons, fur, leather, feathers
  4. Wood: Rectangular frames (vertical), wooden sculptures or dishes, wood furniture, bamboo plant, money tree, bonsai tree
  5. Metal: Metal dishes, circular frames or clocks, metallic artwork, gray or white throw pillows or curtains

Step Three: Make changes with the intention in mind of what you want to create for yourself.  Seal this intention with a silent prayer or a mantra.  This is covered in greater detail in my next post!

There are endless possibilities when it comes to decorating with feng shui, and that is what makes it so much fun.  You will be shocked at how simple it is. It’s easy to over-think it and wonder if you are doing it right, but there is no need to worry.  Just give it a try and as you start to feel the difference, you will become more and more confident in making adjustments throughout your home.

With greatest sincerity, I want to thank you for taking the time to browse this post.  I have found feng shui to be uplifting and completely life changing, and I hope you can too. I am currently working on a book called “Teaching from the Heart with Feng Shui.” Not only does it cover the basics of feng shui, but it also gives suggestions on how to apply these principles to your classroom or office so that you can feel the ultimate flow from your personal to your professional life. If you are interested in how to apply the elements in your work space, please let me know.  I would love to answer any questions you may have, and I also appreciate any feedback since some of these posts will be published some day!

For a daily feng shui tip, you can find me on Facebook or on Instagram and Twitter.

Until Next Time,


Kristina Hollinger


5 thoughts on “How to Attract What You Want with Your Home Decor

    1. I will look into it! I’m always open to ways to elevate my energy and live my fullest potential. I have personally experienced so much abundance in all areas of my life since practicing feng shui, which is why I am passionate about teaching it to others. Thanks again for the suggestion!

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